The People Program is one of the ministries of the sisters of St. Joseph, and in collaboration with Holy Spirit Catholic Church space is provided for their West Bank Campus. The People Program brings together senior adults who share in community their experiences, talents, wisdoms, and knowledge with each other. The volunteer teachers take leadership in facilitating this sharing by offering classes that are holistic in scope: spiritual, aesthetic, intellectual, and physical.
Studies have shown that those who have retired, are widowed, have excess time on their hands live healthier and more productive lives if they stay engaged in the community. The goal of the People Program is to provide a life- long learning environment where people can come and share learning with other like-minded individuals. Currently the West Bank campus offers 28 courses (see link below for list of courses and times) in foreign languages, physical fitness, financial planning, computer classes, different types of dancing, flower arranging, ceramics, etc. New courses are added as members volunteer to teach new subjects. There are never any tests. Learning is at your own pace, and you may take as many courses as you can schedule within the time allotted for a flat fee of $150 for fifteen weeks of classes. Classes are conducted on Wednesdays and Thursdays of each week.
Recent images highlighting some of the artwork and artists from the People Program at Holy Spirit Catholic Church have been added to the Holy Spirit web site and can be viewed by clicking the Photos Page.
For additional information on the People Program click on the web site link provided:Â People Program
Visit the program's website